This is a script to make your revolvers for Desert Eagle much more realistic performance wise! Yes! Weapon damage increased to 42. Cycle time is 0.35. But most importantly, clip size decreased to 6. Now go get some head shots! To install: 1. Open notepad 2. Copy and paste all of the script file 3. Save the file as "weapon_deagle.txt" 4. Go to "C:\Program Files\Valve\Counter Strike Source\cstrike\scripts" 5. Replace "weapon_deagle.ctx" with your brand new "weapon_deagle.txt" WARNING: If you wanna keep the original script "weapon_deagle.ctx" MOVE it into a different folder, don't copy it because it may damage the file. 6. Start your Counter Strike Source 7. Get some head shots! Modifying and redistributing my script without my permission or without crediting me IS OK. As long as the two are different :)
"MaxPlayerSpeed" "261"
"WeaponType" "Pistol"
"WeaponPrice" "650"
"WeaponArmorRatio" "1.35"
"CrosshairMinDistance" "4"
"CrosshairDeltaDistance" "1"
"Team" "ANY"
"BuiltRightHanded" "0"
"PlayerAnimationExtension" "pistol"
"MuzzleFlashScale" "1.2"
"CanEquipWithShield" "1"
// Weapon characteristics:
"Penetration" "1"
"Damage" "42"
"Range" "4196"
"RangeModifier" "0.96"
"Bullets" "1"
"CycleTime" "0.35"
// Weapon data is loaded by both the Game and Client DLLs.
"printname" "#Cstrike_WPNHUD_DesertEagle"
"viewmodel" "models/weapons/v_pist_deagle.mdl"
"playermodel" "models/weapons/w_pist_deagle.mdl"
"shieldviewmodel" "models/weapons/v_shield_de_r.mdl"
"anim_prefix" "anim"
"bucket" "1"
"bucket_position" "1"
"clip_size" "6"
"primary_ammo" "BULLET_PLAYER_50AE"
"secondary_ammo" "None"
"weight" "7"
"item_flags" "0"
// Sounds for the weapon. There is a max of 16 sounds per category
(i.e. max 16 "single_shot" sounds)
//"reload" "Default.Reload"
//"empty" "Default.ClipEmpty_Rifle"
"single_shot" "Weapon_DEagle.Single"
// Weapon Sprite data is loaded by the Client DLL.
"font" "CSweaponsSmall"
"character" "F"
"font" "CSweapons"
"character" "F"
"font" "CSTypeDeath"
"character" "U"
"file" "sprites/crosshairs"
"x" "0"
"y" "48"
"width" "24"
"height" "24"
"file" "sprites/crosshairs"
"x" "0"
"y" "48"
"width" "24"
"height" "24"
Mins "-7 -3 -14"
Maxs "19 10 -2"
Mins "-1 -3 -2"
Maxs "13 4 6"
Counter-Strike: Global Offensive включает в себя наборы новых карт, героев, оружие и их улучшенные версии из классической Counter-Strike. Кроме всего того, в… Подробнее |
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Counter-Strike - игра, установившая стандарты реализма для жанра сетевых шутеров и подарившая нам незабываемые ощущения. Сборник включает оригинальную версию… Подробнее |